Upcycle with Fuze Products – Restoring an old bedside table

Upcycle your way to a happier home 

DIY of any kind can be incredibly rewarding. Whether it’s redecorating an entire room yourself or restoring an old piece of furniture to its former glory. Here at Fuze Products, we have developed a range of products that can help you in your upcycle pursuits.

Restore old, tired furniture with safe-to-use, water-based products

The handy guide below will give an insight into our lab-trialled method of how to upcycle an old and tired bedside table into a modern masterpiece ready to repaint.

Before you begin it is recommended to place the item you wish to restore on newspaper or old blankets that can be disposed of if necessary when the project is completed.

  1. When embarking on any restoration project it is important to prepare the surface, to begin with. This means cleaning off any loose debris or dust. We used Fuze EcoCleaner for this, the product is specially designed to clean all wood and surface types.
  2. Once the surface of our bedside table was nice and clean we could have some fun. To remove the existing layer of lacquer we used our all-purpose, water-based paint stripper, Biostrip 20.
  3. The Biostrip 20 was applied via a regular old paintbrush and left on the chest for 30-45 minutes to allow plenty of time to penetrate the layer of lacquer. To help prevent the product from drying the area was covered in cling film.
  4. After Biostrip had been left to do its job the remaining paint could simply be scraped away. We once again used Fuze EcoCleaner to remove any remaining residue.
  5. Once fully dry, the next step involved sanding down the whole piece of furniture to prepare for repainting. The furniture is sanded to create a smoother surface before painting. It removes any
  6.  imperfections allowing for easier primer application and a more polished finish.
  7. Finally, once the chest had been fully sanded, it was time to prime. Two coats of white wood primer were applied using a small roller with a two-hour break between them.

And that’s it! Easy Peasy! From there a top coat of paint in any colour you like can be applied.

To clean any dried paint from paintbrushes use a specialist water-based brush restorer such as Biostrip Brush Cleaner and Restorer

Category: HouseholdTime Required: 7 Hours (We recommend allowing a a couple of days to allow for drying times)Products Required: Fuze Eco Cleaner, Biostrip 20Equipment Needed: Gloves, Clean rag, Sand Paper, Paint Brushes, Scraper
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