How to strip wallpaper

Most people associate wallpaper stripping with “Scrapers” and “Steamers”. However, it is cleaner and easier to use a “Liquid Wallpaper Stripper”. These relatively new products penetrate the wall covering and dissolve the underlying adhesive to actively release it from the wall. Unlike steam strippers, they do not damage plaster.

However, with so many different types of wall covering in use today, instructions for using this type of product can vary. Below is a brief guide to Wallpaper Removal using a liquid stripper.

To begin with, you must have some idea of the type of coating you are attempting to remove. For example is it textured, painted, vinyl, etc.

How to treat different types of wallpaper


Traditional paper is generally uncoated and porous – Simply apply by spray, brush, or roller, leave it in situ for up to 10 minutes and then remove with a scraper.


Often found in bathrooms and kitchens, these coatings are usually treated with a waterproof top layer. Score the surface lightly from top to bottom, just breaking the surface of the paper. Apply by spray, brush, or roller, leave it in situ for up to 10 minutes and then remove it with a scraper.


Painted wall coverings may be more resistant to liquid than uncoated paper. Treat as for Coated Wallpapers.


Vinyl paper usually has an easy-to-peel top layer.  The backing paper can be treated in the same way as traditional wall coverings, once the vinyl layer has been manually removed. If the vinyl layer does not peel away easily try scoring the surface and treat it as per coated wall coverings.

Category: DecoratingTime Required: 2-4 hoursProducts Required: Liquid wallpaper stripper, Post strip wall cleanerEquipment Needed: Sponge, Brush or Sprayer. Scrapper, Knife for Scoring coated papers.

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